User profile

User ID
At least 2 characters using letters, numbers or symbols (no space). This field is mandatory.
New password
If you want to change your password, enter the new password twice in New password and Confirm password fields. Passwords must contain at least 6 characters. Both fields are mandatory.
Password change required to connect
Check this box so that a new user will have to choose his own password when he will connect.
Super administrator
This will give the current user all the permissions on all the blogs hosted on the system.
Last name, First name
If no display name is provided, the displayed author's name will contain the last name and first name entered in these two fields.
Display name
You can select the nickname you want to use to sign your articles. If not empty, this field will be used instead of the last name and first name fields.
This e-mail address will be used if you need to recover your password from Dotclear's authentication screen.
Indicates the user's website. If this field is not empty, the author's name will become a clickable link to this website.


Set the default language for new entries. If a translation is available for this language, the blog interface will be translated in this language as well.
This option impacts the way the entries' publication time is displayed.
Preferred format
Choose the entry's syntax. Wiki is a simplified syntax and will be converted to valid XHTML. Unless you have a perfect understanding of XHTML, we advise you to choose the Wiki syntax. See the Wiki syntax reference for more information.
Default entry status
The default status for new entries can be set to:
Entry edit field height
Sets the height of the edition field of an entry. By default, this parameter is set to 24.
Tags list format
You can select if you want to see, while editing an entry, all the tags used (Extended) or only the most used ones (Short).