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Rick Sutcliffe's fiction is Christian science fiction with Irish/Celtic themes, and set in one or more alternate histories. The purpose is to entertain and to provoke the reader to think about ethical and social decision making.

The Interregnum
Rick Sutcliffe The Peace Rick Sutcliffe The Friends Rick Sutcliffe The Exile Rick Sutcliffe The General Rick Sutcliffe The Nexus Rick Sutcliffe The Builder Rick Sutcliffe The Builder

Rick Sutcliffe Culmanic Parts Rick Sutcliffe Rea's Blood or Navy Girl Rick Sutcliffe Tara's Mother Rick Sutcliffe The Builder

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Rick Sutcliffe's
eBooks reviewed:

The Interregnum
The Peace
The Friends
The Exile
The General
The Nexus
The Builder 

The Throne
Culmanic Parts 
Rea's Blood <==NEW
Tara's Mother <==NEW

These stories play out against the backdrop of The Timestream, a space-time medium allowing access to various alternate worlds, each with its own peoples and history deriving from a critical decision or nexus point.

The Interregnum

The year 1941 on Ortho earth (Greater Hibernia) saw the deposition of Greater Ireland's High King James IV and the banishment of his family from Tara's throne for sixty years. The multi-volume series The Interregnum is the story of those years, as James and his descendents scramble to survive and to re-shape Ortho's corrupt society in the face of Clan MacCarthy's high-tech plots.

The first volume, The Peace, published June 2000 in a variety of E-book formats, was nominated by the publisher for the prestigious Frankfurt award, and received glowing reviews, including one in Analog magazine. It was republished by Writers Exchange ePublishing in December 2002.

The second volume, The Friends, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in June 2003.
The third volume, The Exile, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in July 2003.
NOTE: Both The Friends and The Exile were finalists for the 2004 EPPIE awards and The Friends won the award for the best electronically published science fiction novel of 2003.

Volume IV, The General, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in March 2006 and is available from them and their retailers in a variety of formats.
Volume V, The Nexus, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in April 2006 and is available from them and their retailers in a variety of formats.

Volume VI, The Builder, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in March 2012.

Volume VII, Paladin, is the final instalment in the series and concludes the stories of Mara, Lucas, and friends. It re-tells the story of the First Battle of Glenmorgan from yet another point of view, as well as describing the cataclysmic second battle on the same grounds.

The Throne

Book 1 Culmanic Parts, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in June 2015.
Book 2 Rea's Blood or Navy Girl, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in November 2015.
Book 3 Tara's Mother, was published by Writers Exchange ePublishing in April 2016.
Book 4 Paladin, is the final instalment in the series and concludes the history of Ireland's throne from 1492 to 2001

All of Rick Sutcliffe's books can be purchased via links here.

An anthology of Canadian eAuthors published by ceAuthors and is available here FREE. It includes a story from The Exile, volume three of Rick Sutcliffe's The Interregnum.

For more information on Rick's novels, click on an item in the left sidebar. For other items on this site, click a link at the top of the page, or return to the central portal. Click here for the Christian fiction FAQ.

Fiction Faq

What is speculative fiction?

Speculative fiction has an element of imaginative "what if?" Suppose history had progressed differently? What would happen if society took some new turn? What would happen if someone invented...? Suppose there were another world somewhere?

Speculative fiction comes in many flavours, including fantasy and science fiction. One often finds fantasy and science fiction lumped together in bookstores, and some authors write both.

What is fantasy?

Fantasy is the speculative fiction of sheer make-believe, of dreams. Its worlds are populated by odd creatures such as dragons, magic, sorcery, spells, demons, and scenarios that require more than just a suspension of disbelief in the impossible. Typical modern fantasy is of the sword and sorcery variety.

What is science fiction?

In the branch of speculative fiction called science fiction, some element of science or technology is critical to the plot, and there is no magic. Hard science fiction concentrates on the science and technology, sometimes at the expense of plot and characterization. Soft science fiction is more literary, and attempts to weave the science and technology seamlessly into the tapestry. Rick Sutcliffe writes soft science fiction.

What is Christian fiction?

Christian fiction deals with Biblical themes--God, creation, revelation, good and evil, morality, the fall, the incarnation, redemption, salvation, and heaven. These may be treated explicitly as in Rick Sutcliffe's fiction, or in allegory, as, for instance, in C.S. Lewis's fiction.

What is Christian science fiction?

Christian science fiction has plot elements depending on science/technology as well as Christian themes. Because most people lump fantasy with science fiction, the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis are usually placed in this category, though they are, strictly speaking, Christian fantasy. Likewise, the Jenkins/LaHaye "Left Behind" series is Christian speculative fiction, but strictly speaking not science fiction.

Rick Sutcliffe's Christian science fiction has some fantasy elements, such as castles, kings, and sword fighting. However, it treats the question of how society can cope with science and technology when the latter threaten to destroy it. It posits alternate earths with different histories than ours, has science and technology as essential plot elements, and is non-chiliast/apocalyptic, so it is properly Christian science fiction.

Note that there is no connection whatsoever between Christian science fiction and the religion known as "Christian Science." Also, much Celtic fiction deals with these Christian themes but does not signal an explicit Christian commitment on the part of the author or characters.

What is alternate history fiction?

Alternate history fiction is a sub-genre of speculative fiction, the plot elements of which hinge on a history different that what has happened in our world. Rick Sutcliffe's fiction has several worlds with different histories than ours (Prime).

What is futuristic fiction?

Futuristic fiction is a catch-all term used by some publishers for any or all of speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, and apocalyptic literature.

What is ethical fiction?

Ethical fiction has plot elements depending on ethical choices made by the characters. Although choices are a common theme in much literature, in ethical fiction they become critical plot elements.

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